Woodley Park-Zoo Metro Station i Washington

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Forenede StaterWoodley Park-Zoo Metro Station


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Washington, DC 20008, USA
kontakter telefon: +1
internet side: www.wmata.com
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Latitude: 38.924519, Longitude: -77.0523838

kommentar 5

  • en

    Beatrice W


    Good location. Easy to board. Steep escalator but just hold on and you'll be fine. Buying a card/pass was weird because the machine has way too many buttons spaced far away from each other.

  • Martha Wise

    Martha Wise


    Not enough staff around, but otherwise very efficient at moving people about

  • en

    Annie Piper


    Convient location.. Not bad for a metro stop as far as cleanliness goes and general surrounding area.

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    Brian O'Neil


    After the Cleveland Park stop, the Red Line heads downhill into much deeper rock tunnel. The next station is Woodley Park. Despite it having zoo in the name, it is not the closest stop to the zoo. That distinction falls with Cleveland Park one stop north. This is the last stop heading south that uses the four coffer arch which has been standard at every stop since Medical Center. There is still the standard island platform. This station is located in the Woodley Park neighborhood of D.C., however Adams Morgan is also not far away, just a short walk across the Duke Ellington bridge. This station has the third longest escalators on the system, after Wheaton and Bethesda, and the longest in D.C. itself. Woodley Park opened in December of 1981 as part of the Van Ness extension.

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    Roxann Griffith


    I love how close this is to my hotel and how convenient it was to get to the national mall daily.

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