Shaw-Howard Univ Station i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterShaw-Howard Univ Station


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1701, 8th Street Northwest, 20001, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 38.9144817, Longitude: -77.0217953

kommentar 5

  • Seth Heilman

    Seth Heilman


    I asked the station manager if I may use the restroom. I was refused. I asked if there would be a train to take care of the people who were waiting; if metro would keep the station open past 2:00am for the people who were waiting for the delayed trains, and then the metro employee (presumably the station manager) told his associate to close the door. Gasp! I can’t believe I was treated so rudely, and it was 10 degrees Fahrenheit outside. I will never use Metro again. Additionally, I will tell everyone who visits and everyone who lives in DC about what happened to me. Metro is an embarrassment to our nation’s capitol. Shame!

  • freddy williams

    freddy williams


    KIOSK MANAGEMENT IS NOT HELPFUL, MOSTLY RUDE. Also the yellow line is inconsistent with the exception of rush hour and you still have to wait up to twenty minutes in between trains . Sometimes yellow line NEVER ARRIVES

  • Lord LX Legendary

    Lord LX Legendary


    Work on Escalators and Elevators stay uncomplicated




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  • Yitzy Paul

    Yitzy Paul


    Perfectly serviceable DC metro stop. Has two exits one puts you at the Shaw library on R & 7th and the other puts you on 7th between T and S near The Howard Theater

nærmeste Metrostation

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