L'Enfant Plaza Station i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterL'Enfant Plaza Station


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600, Maryland Avenue SW, 20024, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-637-7000
internet side: www.wmata.com
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Latitude: 38.8862266, Longitude: -77.0215633

kommentar 5

  • Brian Lundell

    Brian Lundell


    It's a big interchange on the metro. The signs are clear where to go.

  • Ezra Anderson

    Ezra Anderson


    Incredibly crowded, but a very nice interior design. Some shady characters here and there. I saw a lady nearly get pick-pocketed. She noticed, however, and that was the end of that.

  • en

    cool 1


    This station closed early on New Year's Eve before 2:00 am, but an attendent was able to have the doors unlocked. Thank you! Then we sat on one of the new 7000 series for 15 minutes... A lot of of work is still needed, perhaps just on the basic level? Planning and organization are lacking in many ways, and there should be some serious consideration into SERVICE, which will help raise revenue that may in fact pay for the long overdue maintenance that has been deferred for decades. The "Jumper Cables" seem to be a very basic repair, but continue to linger. Perhaps addressing some of the other related issues like system power distribution issues, amperage levels, systematically upgrade sections at a time so they may last another 40+ years? This is really LOW TECH stuff.

  • en

    Ben LNU


    Convenient downtown. FYI - two flights of stairs to access platform from east side of 7th Street. Handicap ramp on west side of street.

  • Robert Link

    Robert Link


    This station serves the Virginia Railway Express commuter rail system. There are also a few Amtrak trains that stop here as part of a cross - honor agreement between Amtrak and VRE, but it's not a primary stop for Amtrak. The station itself is pretty bare bones. There are automatic ticket kiosks at the middle entrance, and space along the platform to stand while you wait for the train, but no other services.

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