Dupont Circle Station i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDupont Circle Station


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1525, 20th St. NW, 20036, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9086635, Longitude: -77.0433177

kommentar 5

  • iStuff Sellers

    iStuff Sellers


    I was with my girlfriend about to get on the metro. Door opens for a few seconds, people exit, people get in as well as my girlfriend. Then door closes and train leaves before I could get in. Does anyone even look to see that someone is about to get on.

  • Oliver Peckham

    Oliver Peckham


    Is it weird to have a favorite Metro station? Dupont Circle has great locations for its entrances, is usually very well-kept and clean, and is a great place to catch the Red Line generally. Also has one of the more dramatic/scenic escalators in DC.

  • Tomas Villanueva

    Tomas Villanueva


    Muy buena la estación y la puntualidad

  • Frost Fox

    Frost Fox


    It was our first time riding the metro and this station was a wonderful way to start. The card machine was easy enough to figure out, but the attendant came over to help when my father seemed confused. It was very clean, and even with construction going on, trains came very frequently.

  • Jim Cooper

    Jim Cooper


    The Metro is a fast and convenient way to travel within the city to the various museums, parks, and landmarks. Purchase a reusable card which acts as entry/exit to the metro. Meters indicate the fare charged and remaining balance on the card. Cars were clean and well maintained.

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