Gallery Pl-Chinatown Station i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGallery Pl-Chinatown Station


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616, H Street Northwest, 20001, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 38.8983594, Longitude: -77.0224836

kommentar 5

  • Ronnie Lynn

    Ronnie Lynn


    Great place to visit.

  • Oliver Peckham

    Oliver Peckham


    Gallery Place Chinatown is a good Metro stop -- very convenient exits to a few different spots in Chinatown, generally clean, and a good transfer point. Great for heading to or from the Verizon Center, with plenty of room for people coming out of concerts.

  • en

    Reed Muhra


    Unfriendly staff in the kiosk! Unpleasant gathering spot for smokers, week smokers, stupid young guys, and homeless people. Sometimes one can’t cross the sidewalk with pumping into a couple of people. Yellow line schedule is almost always unavailable.

  • en

    Lucky Weaver


    It's a transfer spot for Green, Red and Yellow lines. Lots of reading and getting use to after about the 15th time you should be good on getting to where you need to be without missing the train and exit on the right side of the station. Lots of panhandlers hang around the entrance/ exit points, smells very based on how hot and humid it is.

  • Vishal Sinha

    Vishal Sinha


    This is a good metro station with connectivity to Red, Green, and Yellow Lines. Also has a few entrances from nearby local streets. But cruising over from Red to other likes does take a while especially during rush hour. Also the station gets crowded making it hard to get to your train.

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