Farragut West Station i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterFarragut West Station


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Washington, DC 20006, USA
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 38.9012319, Longitude: -77.0393106

kommentar 5

  • Donovan Smoot

    Donovan Smoot


    Typical metro station, yet minus most of the crazies you might encounter at other stations. Mostly business people head through in the morning as this is one of the main stops (blue line) & (red line for Farragut North) that leads into the triangle bid district. Some decent eateries & coffee shops in the area, personal suggestion is compass coffee. But this stations area is not a major one for sight seeing.

  • Edward Cotton

    Edward Cotton


    Easy in and out to the White House from pent city.

  • en

    Albert Wu


    Average station, close to food and shopping options. Good station for getting on a less crowded silver line.

  • Cleverson Faria

    Cleverson Faria


    Good location. Several options around the area to shopping and to eat and also banks near by.

  • Cece Click

    Cece Click


    Not to be confused with Farragut North, this is the silver, orange blue lines NO RED- directly across the square. It is connected to Farragut West by "virtual tunnel " so you have 30? Minutes to swap stations without fare max restarting. Metro site doesn't map it for you but this a great place to swap lines without having to go out of your way and deal with traffic in Metro Center, Gallery Place/ Chinatown, or Union Center hubs. Single track and rush hour sometimes it can save a lot of time to do so

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