Wash & Shine i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterWash & Shine



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5020, Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, 20016, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-244-7096
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.955241, Longitude: -77.083437

kommentar 5

  • Dussadee Berry

    Dussadee Berry


    Expensive and not clean they are to fast to clean I understand they are busy but they have to completely the job right?. what’s kind of cleaning is that. Unimpressed

  • en

    George Annrella


    So so car wash lots of exteras if you want a good wash. Did not dust dash and inside of car

  • en

    Shirley Akrasih


    I went to wash my car today and had a completely mediocre experience here. I didn’t mind waiting in a long line because I understood that the weather was nice and everybody wanted to get their cars washed at the same time. My issue comes with the fact that I paid more money to have my interior vacuumed, including my trunk. I inspected my car after it was finished and it was clear that they didn’t even attempt to clean my trunk. When I made a note of this, an employee gave a weak excuse and asked me to go back through a 30-minute line. I had an appointment to make and did not have anymore time to waste. I do not recommend this establishment unless you are really desperate and just need your exterior cleaned.

  • Princess Harrison

    Princess Harrison


    I used to go here often but, the quality of service has definitely gone down. The past two times I have been there I have had to remind them to wipe down my doors and my console. They will halfway do the job if you don't say something.

  • Alberto Campuzano

    Alberto Campuzano


    Got the outside good and fast. The Windows were not as cleaned as i wanted them to be. I can only imagine since they were busy its understandable.

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