Queens Car Wash i Hyattsville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterQueens Car Wash



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2480, Chillum Road, 20782, Hyattsville, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-779-6411
internet side: qcwash.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.951923, Longitude: -76.9680339

kommentar 5

  • J. Ne'cole McKenzie

    J. Ne'cole McKenzie


    Nobody speaks English, the interior wipe down is half-assed.

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    Keneisha Falconer


    I went to this car wash because it’s close to my home... I got my vehicle the same way I bought it there, the rims were still very dirty the area over the wheels wasn’t washed none at all, the dash board nor none of the interior wasn’t wipe none at all (then I got attitude from the staff when I pointed out the faults)they only shake off the mats, the worst money I ever spent I will never go back there I will clean my vehicle myself. ..... I paid to have the interior clean and vacuum the body and tire washed, the only thing that was good is that the body was cleaned, the cloth they used to cleaned the windows was dirty... it was just a bad experience.....may be men have better experience.

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    Candace Chicks


    This car wash needs better business practices, the line is not well controlled and waiting customers are cut off by left side traffic merging. The attendants are very rude.

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    Evelyn amaro


    I think for the money they do a great job. I been to better rated places like Kenilworth Car wash and they charge the same almost and will NOT vacuum this inside unless the boss is there to give you a detailing cost!!! i didnt want a detail,..I wanted a simple vacuum. This has happened twice at that place! This one is Much better!

  • Tracey M Jackson

    Tracey M Jackson


    Great service and reasonably priced carwash selection.

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