David's Car Wash i Arlington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDavid's Car Wash



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4148, South Four Mile Run Drive, 22206, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 703-931-1007
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.8479631, Longitude: -77.0989634

kommentar 5

  • en

    Susan S


    Shout out to Dave's for going the extra mile. I visited today for a car wash and asked if someone could help with the red paint and slight scratch that I (unfortunately) found on my driver's side door yesterday. The manager came right out and immediately removed the paint. Then he sent the car around the corner for a quick buff/polish. It's as good as new -- And no charge! I couldn't let that happen so we reached an agreement. I am a Dave's fan for life.

  • Sarah Fowler

    Sarah Fowler


    This place is not open until 6PM. I just arrived at 5PM and the staff was refusing business saying they closed at 5:30PM ...then quickly corrected once it dawned on them it was only 5PM. Closing early on the first 70 degree day in winter when everyone wants a wash isn’t very smart... the other car wash off Glebe is so packed it has a line!

  • Nelson Ponce

    Nelson Ponce


    After reading some positive reviews, I decided to go get my car washed today. What a big mistake that was!! Obviously, the positive reviews must have been fabricated by the ownership. I will never again get my car washed at this facility. They did a pitiful job, considering the price I paid, which was their top of the line car wash. They did not vacuum my car, and did a pitiful job drying it! The only discount was $3.00 for not vacuuming the car. I was very disappointed, however, there are always other options available!!

  • Ed Mc

    Ed Mc


    Holiday deal allows you to buy 6 car washes for about the price of 4. I took two different cars on two different days with mixed results they do a good job on the exterior 1 Vehicles Wheels were cleaned impeccably the other vehicle not so much they washed formats on request they vacuum but they don't wipe down your dashboard or clean your windows

  • Bradley Scalio

    Bradley Scalio


    They do a good job on cleaning the interior and exterior of the car. The line moves fast, and the staff is friendly and receptive to special needs or requests. It is a bit pricey but I'd rather pay for quality and service than leave with dirt and water still dripping off my car.

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