Detailz Fine Auto Cleaning Inc i Washington

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Forenede StaterDetailz Fine Auto Cleaning Inc



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1629, Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, 20007, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-333-0324
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Latitude: 38.911205, Longitude: -77.0650892

kommentar 5

  • Gilfredo Gomez-Cruz Jr.

    Gilfredo Gomez-Cruz Jr.


    Wally and his staff do amazing work. I have never complained about anything! I will always bring my car here to get detailed. Keep up the good work!

  • en

    Robbie Kline


    WOW! These guys are so "detailed" in their services. I am beyond satisfied with my experience. Thank you to Wally and the team!

  • Marc Ruiz

    Marc Ruiz


    Their work is quite mediocre after my experience scheduling and getting my car detailed by them. They assured me it would take them two hours to detail my car but that was not the case with me. When I went to ask about my car it wasn’t even halfway done. After they were done it still had stains and the detail was not really all that good overall in my opinion. Clearly these guys are not reliable to fulfill their explained expectations of details.

  • erin brophy

    erin brophy


    Been here a couple times over the last few years and it's a splurge but it's worth it. The service is very detailed, thorough and careful. First time I visited I have a nasty spill and theses guys got it all up from all the crevices and were very gracious. Second time they took special care to keep an eye out for a lost earring and spent a lot of time looking for it with me and walking through all the places they looked. I don't go for the full detail often but when I do I trust these guys.

  • en

    Bonnie Mcintyre


    These guys were great! Very professional. I don't think too costly at all for the custom detail job they do. I brought my brand new 2016 car in and they took the time to assess what I needed without trying to up sell fact, they encouraged me to take the "mini" detail job as my car wasn't in need of any additional services, rather than trying to sell me the deal that would have cost more. I made an appointment the day before and they honored the time precisely. Upon arrival, the manager came out to meet me in the driveway before I even had a chance to get out of the car! Steven (one of the assistants) took the time to thoroughly explain everything they did post job. He answered each tedious question I had and even gave me a free care cloth as a take away:) I will for sure be coming here for future washes and exterior car care.

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