Montgomery Hills Car Wash i Silver Spring

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMontgomery Hills Car Wash



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9500, Georgia Avenue, 20910, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 301-589-0363
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Latitude: 39.0102168, Longitude: -77.0412377

kommentar 5

  • Dorrie Hutchison

    Dorrie Hutchison


    Great car wash, it is much better than Flagship. They clean the car inside and out and even between the doors.

  • en

    Rohit Reddy


    I have been going here for quite a while but this last time I went there they damaged my interior accidently scratching it with something. So me and my wife go back to the place and show the manager the damage and the first thing he does is say they could not have done it. Then he gets aggravated when I insist for him to listen to what am saying. He tells me to go back to my country, puts his finger in my wife's face and keeps saying am an idiot, all the while refusing to even listen or if anything to apologize for the damage. I would recommend people to check out us1 car wash in Beltsville.

  • Rohit Reddy

    Rohit Reddy


    I have been going here for quite a while but this last time I went there they damaged my interior accidently scratching it with something. So me and my wife go back to the place and show the manager the damage and the first thing he does is say they could not have done it. Then he gets aggravated when I insist for him to listen to what am saying. He tells me to go back to my country, puts his finger in my wife's face and keeps saying am an idiot, all the while refusing to even listen or if anything to apologize for the damage. I would recommend people to check out us1 car wash in Beltsville.

  • Grace Priyadarshini

    Grace Priyadarshini


    Wish I could give it 0 stars. I'm always generous with my reviews. My husband brought our 3 month old car here on my insistence since our first experience a year ago was good. The got an inch long tear on the leather on the driver's door. We were disappointed and so went to meet the manager to ask them to be careful in the future, since obviously we knew they can't do anything to fix it now. He took one look at it, shook his head and went to bring one of his employees. We told him the leather is soft and even a little thing like a key could've done it. He got wild and said "you're an idiot, this wasn't us" and started walking away. He must've called my husband an idiot about 15 times, shouting and got up in his face. It was horrible. He even said "go back to your country". The worst way to treat a calm customer. Please do not give this man your business.

  • Brad Respondek

    Brad Respondek


    Fast, efficient, and fairly priced for everything you get done to both the interior and exterior of your vehicle. The only drawback, they're so well liked by so many people that there can be a bit of a wait on heavy days like Fridays and the weekend when everyone is trying to get their car washed.

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