Quick Car Wash i Silver Spring

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterQuick Car Wash



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641, University Boulevard East, 20901, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 301-439-2500
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9999974, Longitude: -76.9958901

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yer Cle


    Proper hours not listed

  • Viviane Moritz

    Viviane Moritz


    Great prices and service

  • en

    Jay Thompson


    STAY AWAY!!! Horrific car wash and customer service.

  • en

    Charles Fulwood


    The worse car wash ever. I just wasted $25.00 getting the “Ultimate,” a complete rip-off of shoddy service. This owner apparently considers customers as prey. This is a business that has no regard for service quality or customers, practicing the equivalent of theft and fraud. Never again—and I will warn friends and colleagues against this rip off trap.

  • Olmer Fuentes

    Olmer Fuentes


    Don’t try this car wash , they don’t clean you car . When I talk to the manager why don’t do he just say ( my employees don’t do good job I know he say , sorry ) Haha no limpia bien el carro y cuando le preguntas por q no limpian como era debido por q pague 24$ + tip ( el gerente me dijo ha esta mi gente no hace buen trabajo lo siento ) pero no intentaron limpiar de nuevo solo me dijo ya está listo Jaja , luego mejor saque yo la basura y limpie yo mismo 28 dolores a la basura solo por mojar mi carro jaja

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