Mr Wash i Arlington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMr Wash



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101, North Glebe Road, 22203, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 703-243-7735
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Latitude: 38.872284, Longitude: -77.102186

kommentar 5

  • Norman England

    Norman England


    Very disappointed on the prices. They used to have an email club that made it somewhat tolerable, but now they're just raising the prices to the point where it's cheaper to get on their monthly plan.$54 a month which means you would have to go twice in one month to get your money back and only saves $3 back per wash to me is not a deal I've been a loyal email customer for over 6 years, now the only emails I get our to advertise for their unlimited plan. Such a shame.....

  • jack` gank

    jack` gank


    Mr car wash $50 a month unlimited washers is not unlimited so only one a day but it's a good deal especially for me when I use my car to make my money so my car needs to be presteigne at all times good deal

  • Eyoubel Girma

    Eyoubel Girma


    Don't even trying to take your car this place the worst car wash ever. I paid $38 the best car wash they have. Not worth it at all.

  • en

    Mark Wilkin


    Machine does a good job, not great. Towel off and vacuum good. Wheels are generally not cleaned well if your wheels are the least bit complicated. Rest of car usually looks good. Last time I went, undercarriage wash left visible salt and debris. Not sure what happened.

  • asif ali

    asif ali


    This car wash is only in business because it’s located near nation’s capital city Washington DC. In a dense population people a desperate to get the car wash services. I have been there once, they don’t do good job at all. Speed is their motto to collect the most of the money for the day. I have strong recommendation for regulating authorities to regulate car washes near Dc metro area specially. we represent ourselves as a best nation in the world throughout the year while we have thousands of visitors from across the globe.

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