Express Car Wash i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterExpress Car Wash



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5758, Georgia Avenue Northwest, 20011, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-723-5007
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Latitude: 38.95977, Longitude: -77.0285932

kommentar 5

  • Carolyn P

    Carolyn P


    Do not waste your time or money at this place. Their dirty rags left a scratch on my passenger window. When I informed the "owner" about it, he became upset and rude. Proceeded to say that the scratch was an old scratch that was already there. Mind you, I drove in my car all day before heading to this horrible car wash place and I did NOT have a scratch on my passenger window. The manager was extremely rude with poor customer service! DO NOT GO THERE!

  • Alicia Belden

    Alicia Belden


    Usually this place is pretty good. Today I got the Super Wash and was shocked out how not clean my car was. There wasn’t a line. It wasn’t crowded on a weekday morning, so there was no excuse for crappy work. The backseats weren’t vacuumed well- came out with the same hair and crumbs in it, the foot mats were soaking wet when thrown back in my car so they immediately got dirty again, the back windows were cleaned with a dirty rag that left white streaks, and there were crumbs in the cup holders. Like what did I pay y’all for???? Will not be returning.

  • Von Vitto

    Von Vitto


    Guy's do a great job. Please tip people. It helps

  • Lina Nicolai

    Lina Nicolai


    I love my car cleaned with precision. Its takes a while but I hate when I pay for a service and they rush through it. This is not the place. They shined my car well and wiped the car with great detail. Best car wash hands down.

  • en

    Sandra Davis


    Never noticed this place before but really happy that I stop by prices are reasonable II wash is great people of remove definitely will revisit more often

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