Le Pain Quotidien i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterLe Pain Quotidien



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800, 17th Street Northwest, 20006, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-688-0341
internet side: www.lepainquotidien.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9009286, Longitude: -77.0396787

kommentar 5

  • Liz T

    Liz T


    Good spot for quick bite or sitdown lunch. Enjoyed the outdoor seating.

  • Ted Robinson

    Ted Robinson


    Very pleasant spot for breakfast. Fast courteous service and good food and ambiance.

  • Gareth Richards

    Gareth Richards


    Excellent service and good healthy options on menu. Advacado toast with egg was superb. Our waitress was amazing. Thank you

  • Jason Rea

    Jason Rea


    To echo what most have said, the food is good and the portions are a bit small compared to the traditional American serving size. However, the staff, atmosphere and quality of food are what you are really going to enjoy. I'm especially fond of to open floor plan (compared to other down town restaurants) and the fact that the management didn't fill every available inch of floor space with tables. There is room to breathe here and enjoy the coffee :)

  • Avijit Roy

    Avijit Roy


    Delicious food. Very well decorated. Warm and cozy environment. Employees are very helpful. They have unisex restroom. Mostly open to public too. Seen people been using it. Also they have wheelchair accessible restroom. Very neat and clean.

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