Rice Bar i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRice Bar



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1206, G Street Northwest, 20005, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-737-8902
internet side: www.ricebarwashington.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.8981669, Longitude: -77.0284964

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ben Bishop


    I love this place. I stop by any time I have the opportunity. The food is adictive and the prices are great.

  • en

    Heather Wilcox


    Great food, good atmosphere. The ladies were very helpful.

  • Nathan Parsons-Schwarz

    Nathan Parsons-Schwarz


    A quick and delicious lunch. They have a reward card you can pick up at the register and earn a free meal after a few visits.

  • Zainab Ariyibi

    Zainab Ariyibi


    My new lunch spot. This place is so cute with awesome food options. It's a Korean style restaurant where you customize your rice, soup or noodle bowls. You can choose a vegan or protein customized bowl with the famous Bulgogi beef, chicken, etc...

  • Majd Alkassem

    Majd Alkassem


    I've eaten at Rice Bar twice so far. I ordered noodles both times. The udon and the buckwheat noodles are both good. I like the toppings, the sauces and the soup. The staff always seemed friendly. One suggestion is to get rid of the ordering forms. It is confusing to go in and see forms with different color paper. One for rice and another for noodle. I am pretty sure there are more than 2 colors.

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