The Meeting Place Restaurant & Bar i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Meeting Place Restaurant & Bar



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1100, 17th Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-293-7755
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Latitude: 38.9039889, Longitude: -77.0388605

kommentar 5

  • Thelma Rodrigues

    Thelma Rodrigues


    My favorite karaoke place! I am a regular here and it feels like family. Love you guys!

  • en

    Ronald Lee Thomas


    This spot is a place where you can get a great drink, chill, hear good music & just be yourself unapologetically. Oh, & you MUST try their chicken wings...they're the best!

  • Diandra Davis

    Diandra Davis


    The bar tenders are amazing and make strong drinks here, pretty chill vibes. I love it here.

  • Stanislava Monova

    Stanislava Monova


    The staff knows me by name. The wonders are very nice people and their karaoke nights are always fun. Thy have good veggie options too. Their fried zucchini sticks are amazing.

  • Mercy Padilla

    Mercy Padilla


    Ricardo, Carlos and staff are my dear friends. For years The Meeting Place was my sure bet for lunch when my office was on Farragut North. Them we moved close to Union Station. On Tuesday I was in the area and ate and work from The Meeting Place. Great pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy. Delicious as always and the prices are reasonable.

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