Chick-fil-A i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterChick-fil-A



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2121, H Street Northwest, 20052, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-250-5140
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.8999783, Longitude: -77.0477195

kommentar 5

  • She justice

    She justice


    The manager is pleasant and shows alot of love for customers. Great food and service.

  • en

    Ben Park


    Fairly new addition to the GWU restaurant community at the point of me writing. Most of the time the line is a long wait, very busy especially during regular mealtime. Compared to the rapid customer turnout, the food is not generally freshly prepared. If you are not craving chicken or chicken sandwich, it is not the best fast food to eat around GWU.

  • Blehbo Boogins

    Blehbo Boogins


    I never understood the appeal of Chick-fil-A until this location opened so close to work. The prices are so low (compared to the DC average), the food comes out fast, hot, and tasty, and the service is consistently friendly and usually expedient. My one detraction is that the milkshakes (which are the best and cheapest in Foggy Bottom) can become a bottleneck during certain rush hours and staff can occasionally forget to make you your shake until you remind them.

  • Sam Odle

    Sam Odle


    It’s an express location so it’s a Chick-Fil-A that’s been shrunk down to fit in a food court. Long lines at peak hours is the only negative and you’ll quickly see why - fast and friendly service and delicious chicken sandwiches and nuggets!

  • en

    Kevin Shi


    I paid for 1 chicken sandwich but end up with 5 chicken sandwiches. This is how it happened. I ordered 1 sandwich and 2 orders of chicken nuggets. When I got the food and I realized I got 1 sandwich and 2 spicy chicken sandwiches. So I went back to the counter and asked them to give me my nuggets. They did. But when I back to my seat and open the bag and I realized they gave me 2 spicy chicken sandwiches AGAIN. So I got 5 sandwiches total. What an interesting experience!

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