Sol mexican Grill i Washington

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Forenede StaterSol mexican Grill



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2121, H Street Northwest, 20052, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-250-5134
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Latitude: 38.8999783, Longitude: -77.0477196

kommentar 5

  • Patrick Gillespie

    Patrick Gillespie


    This is their second location, and is just as delicious and high quality as their first location on NE H, in the Atlas district. Far better than other Mexican fast casual restaurants like Chipotle. They’ve been my favorite for a few years now; incredibly happy they opened another location here.

  • Blehbo Boogins

    Blehbo Boogins


    The ingredients, on average, are fresher and far tastier than at any Chipotle anywhere -- for an aggregate $1 more than Chipotle. Friendlier and faster service too. The issue with this place arises when you come by a less busy time, like between lunch and dinner, where the ingredients can get cold and mushy. You gotta go right during the lunch rush when everything is freshly prepared (like 11am-2pm). Don't bother going after 2pm, you'll be left with the mediocre leftovers.

  • en

    Marie Ji


    I went here because there is a Groupon photo of paella attached to the restaurant. Kinda disappointed with that.

  • Heleen Raes

    Heleen Raes


    This place serves good Mexican food, there's a lot of choice in what you want, the wait is usually not very long and the staff is friendly. The food can be a bit on the colder side though.

  • castlebyastream



    So, I understand it is a bit strange to rate and review a student dormitory that I don't live in, but I want to commend the excellent design of this building. This space offers far more than just dorms. It also has spacious study areas, advanced technology/security features, and will soon provide an extensive dining hall.

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