Roti Modern Mediterranean i Washington

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Forenede StaterRoti Modern Mediterranean



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1629, K Street Northwest, 20006, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-499-2091
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Latitude: 38.9029322, Longitude: -77.0378673

kommentar 5

  • fizz bubble

    fizz bubble


    Went in here yesterday to grab a bite before i went home. I was starving and really wanted something to hit the spot. The workers were kind and the meat and other sides were good. But the rice was old and burnt. Really hard tough to chew pieces of rice. It really ruined the whole meal. And needless to say, this place did not hit the spot. I was hoping to leave with a happy stomach, but instead was really depressed that i wasted my money on a food dish where 60% of it was hard dry rice. Ill be going to cava from now on if roti is only gonna serve me hard rice and also not do anything about it to make me satisfied. They were pretty much like "yeah we screwed up your meal, were sorry"

  • en

    Nzinga Damali-Cathie


    I love to get the salmon kabob salad. The salmon is always cooked perfectly and I load it with all the good stuff.

  • Riley Champine

    Riley Champine


    Super quick and everything tastes fresh even 5 minutes before closing. I definitely recommend the falafel.

  • William Cornelius

    William Cornelius


    If you like Mediterranean food, you'll like this place. Every one I have been to has been solid and consistent. Love the falafel wrap.

  • Matt Huisman

    Matt Huisman


    Good lunch option during the work week. The protein options are tasty with generous portions. The roasted red pepper sauce, among other sauce options, is outstanding. The veggies are fresh and diverse. A little pricey, but tasty, fresh and quick.

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