Team Paramus Collision en Paramus

Estados UnidosTeam Paramus Collision



🕗 horarios

658, Север Рут 17, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-857-4004
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9674368, Longitude: -74.0783562

comentarios 5

  • en

    Qossay Sawalha


    I did paint job after few month start peeling off.

  • Darren Magarro

    Darren Magarro


    Just want to say thank you to the owner Scott Abella and all the folks at Team Paramus Collision. I took my car there last week to have some repair work done and the work product and service were both exceptional. Scott personally took the time to walk me through the repairs so I knew what was done and more importantly...why. I personally don't see this type of service much anymore and when it happens, it really makes you feel good. Consideration was paid to my vehicle and me. Will recommend Team Paramus to anyone in my sphere of influence. Thank you Scott.

  • Nicholas Corvelli

    Nicholas Corvelli


    Amazing quality service that was fast and efficient! I recommend this place over any other body shop. They will not only do a great job but they will be extremely reasonable for repairs. Thank you Scott, Joe and Laurie for helping me out!

  • en



    With having my first accident, Team Paramus has helped me get through this unpleasant experience with ease. Manager Joe Esposito explained everything in detail, told me the process of the repairs that needed to be done, and it was executed in a efficient, timely matter. Also, Laurie the office manager even made sure I was in a rental to continue my daily tasks while my vehicle was being repaired. Thank You Team Paramus for making a horrible experience into a positive, my car looks better than ever. -U.S. Veteran "Park"

  • en

    Rick Klein


    Scott and his team do an excellent job. Thorough and honest..

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