Paramus Service Center en Paramus

Estados UnidosParamus Service Center



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86, East Ridgewood Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-634-8686
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9664353, Longitude: -74.0718931

comentarios 5

  • en

    John Zwolinski


    My sister-in-law was in town and had a problem with her Volvo, service indicator on the dash. They checked her car, said they could get the part next day and take care of it. She had them do the work since the price was good and she needed it done before driving back home. When she got home, she took it to her regular mechanic who said it was the right service and done well. The price was good, better than if she had gone to the Volvo dealer. I've been buying gas from them for a long time, now I will use them for service too.

  • Timothy Karnes

    Timothy Karnes


    Car was dead about a block from their place. Could I tow it over to look at tomorrow? "Well, we're leaving in 10 minutes." Ok then, wouldn't want to hold anyone up. I'll go somewhere else.

  • en

    nick james


    Against my better judgment I ended up having Joe do the diagnostic work on my car. From the time I walked in two weeks before he performed the EVAP test he was rude, inattentive and didn't want to listen to anything I had to say about the issue I was having with the car. I ended up going here because it was a block from work and I could walk to pick up the car. His labor rate is very high for a small independent shop ($95) He was rude and angry that I declined the work for a new EVAP canister. $280 in parts and labor for a Dorman canister I can get online for $68! I fixed the "cracked" EVAP canister for 4 bucks with some gasket maker and seam sealer. If I wanted to pay a high labor rate and be treated like a dumb customer who doesn't know anything about cars I would have gone to the dealer! I would NEVER take my car back to him and his attitude and pricing is the reason I do my own repairs. I don't own a smoke machine and it wasn't work my time and money to do the diagnostics myself. I had hoped there would be a mechanic out there I could work with. There still maybe but Joe is not that guy.

  • Fabio Henrique

    Fabio Henrique


    Had my old subaru serviced there many times....Jim and Joe are the best, most honest and most knowledgeable mechanics around. 12 thumbs up!!

  • en

    CamiK CamiK


    This review refers to the gas pumping business at this address. The service center may be separate, but I have no way of contacting the gas station itself. I filled up my gas there the other day and had a $20 and a $10 bill in my hand since I knew the total would be less than $30. The attendant asked for $25, and I handed him the money. Then I asked him how many gallons I had so I could write it down for my records. He turned around and walked back to the pump. When he returned, he told me how many gallons and then said I owed him $5 more! He insisted I had given him two tens instead of a ten and a twenty. We couldn't agree, so I asked to speak to the boss. He said he called him, but the boss never showed up. He did not give me my change, but he finally said to forget about the $5. Now I realize he had plenty of time to switch the bills when he turned around to look at the pump. He would never have walked away in the first place if I had not given him enough money. He would have asked for the $5 before going to look at the pump.

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