Batteries Plus Bulbs en Paramus

Estados UnidosBatteries Plus Bulbs



🕗 horarios

669 Route 17 South, Paramus, NJ 07652, США
contactos teléfono: +1 201-870-0995
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.96661, Longitude: -74.078751

comentarios 5

  • en

    John Nonenmacher


    I ordered an Optima Blue Top marine battery online with 15% off coupon for delivery to store. Everything online went ok. Then I received two separate calls from the store trying to persuade me to buy a different battery. I got the feeling they did not want to honor my order. The battery came in a week later (as promised), I received a call notifying me. When I got to the store, the battery has apparently fell and had the top and side cracked. No apologies. You think someone would have inspected it prior to calling me to pick it up. They offered to refund my purchase or have me wait 2-3 weeks for a replacement. Poor customer service. Update 5/12/18 store manager called me personally to apologize for the situation and made me whole on lost discount from sourcing battery elsewhere.

  • R David Koby

    R David Koby


    Holy cow, they have every kind of battery imaginable. From tiny watch batteries to big car batteries. Perhaps a tad pricey, but when you need it you need it. Staff was quite knowledgeable and helpful. Spent a fair amount of time answering questions we had as to the proper way to charge the phone battery. Easy to spot right next to Dunkin Donuts as you head south on Rt 17. It''s in the little shopping strip just before you get to the Burlington and Modell's shopping center. Ample free parking.

  • en

    Ellie Wright


    Doing business with this store was the best buying experience I have had in a long time. I dealt with Jeff. He was very knowledgeable in all my questions regarding the product and policies. We sure don't have many sales people like that in New York City. I will recommend Batteries PlusBulbs.

  • en

    Juliana Balise


    My car battery finally died after 4 years and I needed a new one. This particular car (2013 Honda Fit Sport) uses a less common battery which is smaller (151R) than what most places typically have on hand. This place had it in stock, and for about $20-$30 less than anywhere else I could find it. Placed the order online and got a call within the hour that it was ready for pickup. They installed it for free (you have to select that option when you place your order though) and were extremely efficient and helpful. Would definitely recommend to anyone needing to replace a car battery.

  • Dave Roberts

    Dave Roberts


    Manager Brian was certainly knowledgeable and helpful, but more importantly . . genuine ! I run a business myself, so I know it makes a world of difference. I ended-up running late while trying to jump-start the car needing a new battery, and he was understanding & reassuring on the phone, and again when I finally made it there. Friday Nov 10th was the day our "many returns of summer" suddenly flipped to 20 degrees, and his wheeling-out the whole "battery-switch cart" and persevering with a bracket that gave us trouble made me want to give him MY gloves, till he produced his own and soldiered-on to complete the installation ! My thanks for an all-round great experience there !

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