Bells Service Inc en Paramus

Estados UnidosBells Service Inc



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51, East Ridgewood Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-652-8197
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.968417, Longitude: -74.07483

comentarios 5

  • en

    Tony Matura


    Highest recommendations! Stopped me from pouring good money into a bad car. THANKS FRANK!!!

  • chris chin

    chris chin


    Bell's has taken care of my love for old Silver Arrows since I was 16 (I'm 27 at the time of this writing) and they Pre-Purchase Inspected my first car, a 1994 W124 E320 Coupe, to my current W116. They are the place to go to for Benz specialization, especially the older stuff. See Frank. Him and owner Jim Bell know these cars like no other and always fairly assess.

  • en

    Scott Sakong


    reasonable, fast and friendly staff

  • Varon Migrino

    Varon Migrino


    Best place to get your benz repaired or maintenance! Fair prices and friendly staffing. Ask for Frank..very knowledgeable person when it comes down to these German cars.

  • Chuck Handy III

    Chuck Handy III


    I FEEL VERY TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. I took my 83 300SD w/60k miles to have the HVAC worked. Before testing the system and diagnosing the issues. They preformed work that updated the system. Charging me $300+ After that they THEN start the compressor and tell me there is a bigger issue that will $1000+ additional. So basically the work performed has zero value but he made money for his lack or responsibility of correctly diagnosing and taking the correct steps to tell me what the problems were.. HE JUST COSTED ME MONEY THAT HAD NO END RESULT. This shop is very paper oriented and is going to be lost in the future. Sad because they are nice people but with poor diagnosing and archaic way of paper business. Say good bye

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