Midas en Paramus

Estados UnidosMidas



🕗 horarios

500, New Jersey 17, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-477-8988
sitio web: www.midas.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9548063, Longitude: -74.0728783

comentarios 5

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    Jennifer Reyes


    I have had my Subaru serviced here since 2010. I have since moved out of the area but continue to come back the this Midas. The Manager, Orlando is so helpful. He is very pleasant to deal with. I feel that I get honest and excellent service every time.

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    John deleon


    Best place I have been to in a long while. Staff is great. Orlando is the greatest he has the best small talk and prices around. I would definitely advise any who needs help or knows what they want to give my guy Orlando a call

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    Liana Lintes


    Orlando was incredibly helpful and prompt in the service done to my car. I enjoyed his courteous greeting and interaction which made me feel like my car was in good hands. I strongly recommend Orlando as an experienced Midas professional and have been taking my car to be serviced at Midas Paramus on RT 17 since 2009 and would not trust it with anyone else.

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    Just went in to get my brakes/rotors done on my car and Orlando took great care of me. He went the extra mile to quote me a great price. I'm definitely a happy customer and very appreciative. When you get there definitely ask for Orlando!!

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    These guys were awesome! I was running late for my appointment but Orlando was able to squeeze me in and get my car fixed. I appreciated how professional and polite he was. These guys did a great job with my car and I was very happy with the price. Consider me a dedicated customer! Thank you!!

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