New Choice Nails en Cortlandt

Estados UnidosNew Choice Nails



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3535, Crompond Road, 10567, Cortlandt, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-788-9063
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.2895338, Longitude: -73.8376665

comentarios 5

  • en

    Shubha Rao


    I hate writing bad reviews, and I’ve never written a bad review of a place I once liked before now. I have taken a few people to new choice nails and it’s always been a good experience, but the last time I took my mom the staff was rude, unprofessional, and very messy. My mom asked to cut/file her nails shorter and the nail tech, Amy, was making insulting faces and noises. After she requested a new tech, Amy did my nails because there was nobody else. I asked her if she was going to be mad and she said “no”. At some point, she turned to me and said, “your mom is complicated”. Very unprofessional. When my nails were drying I noticed that there was a lot of polish on the skin around my nails. I asked the manager if I could get that cleaned. Without apologizing she quickly swiped the sides and walked away. I was left there to pick off the polish from the sides of the nail myself. A few days later I even noticed that there was polish on the skin of my toes. Extremely unprofessional and messy and rude. Not the combo you want from a nail place, to where most people go to relax and feel pretty and pampered.

  • Amber Wing

    Amber Wing


    Walked in on a Saturday and got a mani-pedi right away. Friendly staff and relaxing atmosphere. Prices were reasonable, but be sure to check for them at the front desk because the services you offer once you're seated are the more premium ones. A week and a half later and my nails still look great!

  • en

    T C H


    Clean, excellent service, wonderful massage options, quiet and relaxing background music, not blaring noise like some places.. relaxing spa experience

  • Nicole White

    Nicole White


    I went on a weekday just as they opened and Sara was my technician. There were no other customers while I was there. The staff was busy cleaning and prepping for the day. I got a gel manicure in a neutral color and Sara did a great job. I will definitely go back again. You are able to pay with a credit card but you need to tip with cash. There is an ATM inside the salon if you need to get cash.

  • Samsumg



    I found this place on Google and so glad that I came. The service was amazing. Starting as you walk thru the door all the way to leaving the nail salon. The owner was very welcoming and my nail tech Jing did an amazing job. My nails are very short and hard to work with but she made it work and they look amazing. For anyone looking for a nail salon come here you will not regret it.

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