Shear Designs en Mohegan Lake

Estados UnidosShear Designs



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3080, Lexington Avenue, 10547, Mohegan Lake, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-526-9188
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.3062274, Longitude: -73.8573284

comentarios 5

  • en

    Wendy Kelly


    Rilinda did my hair with products to enhance the curl Wow amazing what she can do and such wonderful lady. Beautiful cut as well.

  • en

    Peggy S


    Had the best curly hair cut in years with Rita! The entire staff was friendly, courteous, and very welcoming. Made me feel very comfortable . Salon was very clean. Would recommend them without hesitation. Not just for curly hair!

  • Carmella Pervizi

    Carmella Pervizi


    Rita and her staff did a great job on my coloring and cut. The atmosphere was warm and friendly . By adding those small personal touches makes a big difference. European design style salon with a Manhattan flair. Many types of services available. A hidden gem in Mohegan Lake.

  • en

    Joann Bohannon-Sacci


    Shear Designs, Rita and Eileen, are my go to place when I need my hair to look great. I have resistant gray and course hair . They are color experts. They somehow work magic on my mop. The environment there is soothing and the shop is clean. They can also accommodate my busy schedule. I recommend them.

  • Kathleen Loguidice

    Kathleen Loguidice


    I've always had good experiences with sheer design. The staff is knowledgeable , professional and very friendly. On the one or two times that I have expressed a problem (which is usually minor ) they always ask when can I come in so they can fix the problem I feel confident , and trust that I'll get the best service here. The girl that does my hair, Eileen has been doing my hair for at least 28 years. So I must say she knows me pretty well.

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