Lina Nail Salon en Mohegan Lake

Estados UnidosLina Nail Salon



🕗 horarios

1972, East Main Street, 10547, Mohegan Lake, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-526-0040
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.319007, Longitude: -73.8580866

comentarios 5

  • en

    Shannon Van Loan


    Lina is a true artist! My nails always come out perfect and last upwards of three weeks as long as I don't pick at them. ALSO Lucy does the BEST pedicures! I'll never go anywhere else! Love this place!!!

  • lecia jones

    lecia jones


    First time going to this place and the experience was HORRIBLE!!!! Everyone rave about Lina but when you have a business you need to also have good employee. To keep your customers happy and may help your business grow. If there is anyone looking to get your nails done and look nice please do your self a favor DO NOT go to Dina. Then ask Lina if she could do my nails next time I come her responds I AM NOT TAKING NEW CUSTOMERS.

  • en

    Hallie Kerr


    Small place but great nails and not badly priced

  • Chelsey Kelley

    Chelsey Kelley


    Love lina!! She always does an amazing job and is awsome with crazy and classic design

  • bianca smith

    bianca smith


    I just paid for a gel manicure. I can understand that every salon has different routines but I've never had actual layers of gel put on my nails before the gel polish. It's looks so unnatural. Also, there was no manicure involved, not even a hot towel or lotion for goodness sakes. She looked at me like I had 12 heads when I asked if she could at least cut my cuticles. My nails are all different lengths and shapes. This place maybe fit for people that like acrylic nails with lots on designs and jewels but for women seeking an actual salon service this spot is a big no-no! To top it off the space is cramped and doesn't appear to be clean at all. I would not recommend this place to anyone!

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