Skinchanted Spa en Peekskill

Estados UnidosSkinchanted Spa



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2, Stowe Road, 10566, Peekskill, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-930-1421
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.2977308, Longitude: -73.892928

comentarios 5

  • en

    Jo Boniello


    Always a great experience!!

  • Kacey, Shine On!

    Kacey, Shine On!


    Nurturing & Magical. The intention is obvious that Skinchanted Spa exists to transport you to an enchanted oasis that nurtures body, mind and spirit. Get pampered, look good, feel great...and be inspired by the magic that lives happily ever after on the 3rd floor of this historic building in downtown Peekskill. And Kerri totally ROCKS eyebrows?!? Spa la la!!

  • Meghan Makarczuk

    Meghan Makarczuk


    Cannot say enough good things about the truly amazing service, treatments and hospitality that you receive at Skinchanted. Kerry is my go-to-gal for all thing pampering; she is simply the best!

  • en

    Sara Sibley


    I absolutely love this spa! Kerry was so professional and knowledgeable. I am currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer and I truly wish I had learned of Kerry's services sooner. Not only did I get a fantastic massage, an amazing facial and scalp massage but I was also introduced to the all natural products that Kerry uses and carries in her spa. They have made such a difference in my skin and it felt so nice to be pampered. Overall this was a great experience and I would highly recommend this spa to anyone. I plan to return ASAP!

  • Kathleen Kourie

    Kathleen Kourie


    Skinchanted is an enchanting, relaxing spa in Peekskill. Kerry has created a tranquil oasis where she performs her magic. The facials are heaven and I've received compliments on my complexion even days later. She's the only one I go to for a eyebrow and chin wax. She uses special wax that doesn't leave you red and sore and she has a very light touch. I highly recommend the foot reflexology too. An added bonus is the rooftop terrace where you can relax in a spa robe and she will bring in your choice of local luncheon delights. Bring your best buddy and take turns with facials and massages. You will be delighted!

Salón de belleza más cercano

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