Supercuts en Peekskill

Estados UnidosSupercuts



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1857, Main Street, 10566, Peekskill, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-737-6700
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.2949146, Longitude: -73.893074

comentarios 5

  • Stephanie Rodriguez

    Stephanie Rodriguez


    I travel from an hour away to see Veronica. She is one of the most talented hair stylist around. She puts my mind at ease when I have to change my hair style. She will always talk me through what she's doing and will always explain why she does things. Supercuts itself, has one of the most affordable prices compared to most salons.

  • Minecrafter55666



    They are quick and they do the job well

  • Catherine Benton

    Catherine Benton


    Always pleased with the results!

  • Vybrnt Visuals

    Vybrnt Visuals


    I had wonderful experience, Delightful excellent service! Quality care was taken with detail. I will be back.

  • en

    jenny marques


    The lady doing my hair was very nice and chatty but too quick, so quickly that she left a bunch of hair in the back longer than the rest, it looked like a tail. It was so long I could bring it around the front and around my neck. Had to have my mother fix it.

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