Beach Nail Spa & Tanning en Peekskill

Estados UnidosBeach Nail Spa & Tanning



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1841, Main St, 10566, Peekskill, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-737-1717
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.294768, Longitude: -73.894024

comentarios 5

  • Diana Barragan

    Diana Barragan


    I got a bikini wax, it hurt terribly and was done such poorly. They had no care when doing it, I told the lady to stop halfway. Never going back.

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    Anshu Dhar


    Fun place where specials $25 for manicure and pedi are a great incentive. Courteous and professional staff. Never tried their tanning bed (don't need one, also linked high risk to Cancer) but can tell other services; waxing, pedicure, manicure, facials are good. Would be even better if more promotions can be introduced thus the 4 star rating. Equipments are sterile. Many nail color varieties available with utmost attention given to latest trends.

  • Lydiah Ombongi

    Lydiah Ombongi


    Was there at 12:15pm for SNS whereby they told me to sit for 20,by the time they got to me it was 1pm sharp and while the young man sat me the owner Lady came by and told me to go back and soak my nails, when I asked her why they never socked my nails meanwhile they were taking other customers since I had been there for about an hour! She boldly told me that they had no one to do my nails. Before I said anymore words she told me with a nasty attitude if you don't want to then you can leave. Super disrespectful human being especially when doing business you should be polite. I will never go there anymore or recommend to anyone.

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    Skye Joseph


    This is the most horrible nail place I've ever been too. $23 for a polish change and to fix 1 nail, which is now thick as hell. I normally don't get my nails done anywhere because I do them myself, however I was short on time and decided to give them a try. The man who did my nails the first time didn't do anything I asked(push cuticle back, clean excess, etc) although these are practices that most nail salons do regularly. Then on top of that, he doesn't even look at your nails while he's filing them, to the point where he filed off some acrylic and I had to point out that my nails will be lifting before I leave the salon. If I could give them no starts I would!

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    Chris Munoz


    My wife and daughter were treated horribly here. Expensive place, looking passed that, horrible service, looking passed that, the lady in front demanded a tip for the workers even after being told the service was not ok. We will never visit this rude establishment again. $80 very terribly spent. And they got paid because my wife is a nice person, after all that I would have just walked out. TERRIBLE place, no peace and tranquility... beach center never again! Keep going to lily on main st. Smh

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