SK Eyebrow ( Threading , Microblading , Eyelash Extension and more..) en Peekskill

Estados UnidosSK Eyebrow ( Threading , Microblading , Eyelash Extension and more..)



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Beach Shopping Center 1877 Main St #5B, Peekskill, NY 10566, США
contactos teléfono: +1 914-930-8356
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.2950204, Longitude: -73.8923818

comentarios 5

  • en

    Lina Karki


    One of the best threading place I have ever been to ! I have been doing my eye brows with Sadi ever since I moved to NY. She is very sweet , knowledgeable, and professional at her work. She always gives perfect shape to my eyebrows which I love it ! I highly recommend people to try threading with her ! Congratulations and best wishes for opening your own threading place !

  • Yasmin Tapia

    Yasmin Tapia


    My friend recommended this place and I am very glad she did. The owner did an amazing job with my eyebrows. She took her time making sure they were even on both sides which I really appreciated since most places just rush everything. I would definitely be coming back here.

  • Anabel Sanchez

    Anabel Sanchez


    Couldn’t have asked for a better job on my eyebrows. Sadi has been doing my brows for over a year now and I was so excited when she announced she was opening her own shop. The place is so cute and it’s close to where I live which is a plus. Would highly recommend this place !

  • en

    Yvonne Feliciano


    My experience was an enjoyable one. I received a full threading facial. The manner in which the owner conducted the threading was very professional and considerate to my apprehensions. She also provided informational feedback as to design for eyebrows and cleansing products. Overall, the experience was 5 Stars!

  • Deborah Feliciano

    Deborah Feliciano


    Amazing experience. Sadi (the owner), has been doing my eyebrows for a year now, and I won’t let anyone else do them! She’s awesome and I’m so glad she opened her own business!! Super clean, and she takes her time to make sure It is exactly how you want It! Next is a facial :)! Highly recommended!

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