Walmart Auto Care Centers en Islandia

Estados UnidosWalmart Auto Care Centers



🕗 horarios

1850, Veterans Highway, 11749, Islandia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-851-1164
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8007733, Longitude: -73.1782506

comentarios 5

  • Claudia B

    Claudia B


  • kilahx



    They never open on time, everytime when I called to see if they're open they never answered the phone. You're better off going to another Walmart for auto service or somewhere else that does auto service.

  • Ddot Tha Don

    Ddot Tha Don


    Good service not always a good atmosphere if it's around rush hour you'll hear nothing but complaints from customers n crying baby's or children and if there no kindness in you voice and don't speak with athority you cant and. Expect much from the workers either all in all its not a bad place they get the job done and even clean the interior for free if your lucky.

  • B3Quattro



    Extremely rude and poor service. The service writer will see you waiting to have your information taken and straight up ignore you... This happened to me twice with the same person. He ignored the people in front of me, too, and they eventually left out of frustration. He apparently met someone who was a friend of his or something, because he went outside to put their car in the bay even though I was there first one there..unbelievable. I used to work as a service writer for the very same place about ten years ago, and I'd never be allowed to act in such a manner...The place has gone downhill bigtime.

  • Maximus Prometheus

    Maximus Prometheus


    Went here to try to get my oil change - I waited politley for 15 min and asked if they can service my vehicle. Both workers looked at me like I had 3 heads and ignored me. Then I asked again if they can change my oil, and one of the workers said, "I'm going on my lunch break" The other said I have 2 cars attend to...So basically I wasted 20 min before they told me that they don't want my vehicle. Worst customer service I ever had in any auto shop.

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