BJ's Wholesale Club Tire Center en Islandia

Estados UnidosBJ's Wholesale Club Tire Center



🕗 horarios

1000, Old Nichols Road, 11749, Islandia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-851-0200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8115676, Longitude: -73.1600028

comentarios 5

  • Evelyn De Sanchez

    Evelyn De Sanchez



  • Amelia McRush

    Amelia McRush


    Great,the Staff are Always helpful and go above and beyond for the customers,there is a Great Variety of items at great prices, the only think I wish for is coupons loaded right on to my card to save me from clipping and as has happened before loosing my clipped coupon's,to attest to they're popularity is the packed parking lot that can sometimes on busy days make for a long walk,Other wise I am VERY HAPPY they opened this one about 5-6 years ago,it is very close to our home I believe the next closest is Deer Park , this one is 10 min from our 🏠 😁🤑

  • Tom Jerhada

    Tom Jerhada


    This place is terrible. They require appointments but only between 9-4 despite closing at 8pm. Why would they pay workers an extra 4 hours to stand around??? When I decided I'd buy them anyway and bust my ass to get a friend to take my car to the appointment they tell me the tires need to be ordered. their website sayed they had them but they aren't in stock and the stock they do have is almost non existant. Then the computer was acting up and made it take forever just to buy them. Don't do business with BJ's tire center.

  • maju cosar

    maju cosar


  • es

    Angelica Santillan


Reparación de autos más cercano

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