Mavis Discount Tire en Islandia

Estados UnidosMavis Discount Tire



🕗 horarios

1858, Veterans Highway, 11749, Islandia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-870-0980
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8030737, Longitude: -73.17792

comentarios 5

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    Evan New hits


    I took my truck to Mavis Isladia for alignment the man seemed drunk and destroyed my truck. I called their cooperate office and he sent another manager to fix my truck. Unfortunately I ended up paying a lot more money than planned.

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    Luis Orozco


    Very good specialty tire shop. Picked up a full set of tires there and am very happy so far.

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    Bryan Scholl


    I do all my work with Mavis. Islandia and Bayshore locations are great

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    Christopher Sutkevich


    I took my wife's truck here about 2 years ago for new tires. The truck just failed inspection because the tires are dry rotted. My real mechanic just showed me, that the DOT date indicated that they were 9 years old at the time of sale. They sold my wife old tires that quickly dry rotted and compromised her safety. These guys ought to be arrested for these business practices.

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    Kevin Mangin


    Dropped off for an inspection twice. Both times I was never contacted about the status. Once I contacted them, I was told it failed and what the issues were. Resolved the issues and brought it back the next day where they found additional issues. Going else where and never going here again. Slow and unprofessional.

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