Muffler Man en Central Islip

Estados UnidosMuffler Man



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208, East Suffolk Avenue, 11722, Central Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-582-5500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7945041, Longitude: -73.1850767

comentarios 5

  • TheReIntegration



    One of the best experiences regarding fast and quality services. I drove over 45 miles to this shop to get a performance muffler mod done to my BMW. They started working on my car right away and was done in no time. Very nice and very talented and hard working mechanics here. I 110% recommend this shop. Totally worth the drive here.

  • e Man

    e Man


    Had a Borla Cat back Installed on my GMC Truck. On top of awesome services, very honest person. Two weeks after the install, I went back to have tips welded on and didn't want to charge me anything.

  • Eliezer Wagner

    Eliezer Wagner


    Epic, quick, knowledgeable and friendly service. Got there and the repair was done in maybe less than 30 mins. I'll definitely be coming back with any exhaust problems that may happen in the future.

  • en

    Vincent Bonilla


    Excellent customer service, knowledgable mechanics, REASONABLY PRICED! George is great. In and out under 15 mins

  • John Weidner

    John Weidner


    I dropped in and they made time to replace my leaky flex pipe right away. My car was so quiet after the repair that I thought my engine wasn't running! Very reasonable pricing, and it appears they take credit cards if needed.

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