Muffler & Brakes en Central Islip

Estados UnidosMuffler & Brakes



🕗 horarios

131, Carleton Avenue, 11722, Central Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-348-0414
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.781964, Longitude: -73.200446

comentarios 5

  • en

    Eve Velas


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    Luciano Rodriguez


    Ok service but great prices

  • en

    David Contreras



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    Jose Rodriguez


    Started good went to put a muffler but they dropped my car little damage was done but they still charged me full price for muffler

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    Ryan R


    Ok so I got my muffler cut out and had a 2.5 inch straight pipe welded on axle back. They told me before I agreed to do the welding that it will cost me $40, which is a fairly decent price to hack out a piece of pipe and weld on another $2 pipe. This process should take 20 minutes or so but ended up taking an hour and a half, then when they rung me up, the lady behind the counter says that It comes up $20 more because of 2 hangers that needed to be installed. Whatever, I paid because $60 is the quote I was getting everywhere. No loss, except around 2 months later I now have Exhaust leaks because of the poorly constructed welds and the $20 "hangers" on my exhaust fell off. Im just going to weld it myself before i take it to the shop and it gets worse. PLEASE GO TO A BETTER CONSTRUCTED BUSINESS TO GET YOUR EXHAUST DONE.

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