Tiffany's Nail Spa en Pleasantville

Estados UnidosTiffany's Nail Spa


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42, Memorial Plaza, 10570, Pleasantville, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-741-5054
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1342725, Longitude: -73.7933134

comentarios 5

  • Claudia Jacques

    Claudia Jacques


    I have been doing my nails at Tiffany's with Jenny for 9 years. She is an amazing nail artist but so are some of the other nail techs.

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    Mu hons


    Very good place for fast, great quality Mani and pedi. Not so good at foot massages. Bottom line, I hesitated to come because of the poor rating on Google but came 4x in the past few months and would say that they are my new go-to. Especially now that they offer SNS powder Mani. Dropped in last evening without appointment and my SNS Mani is fabulous!! The gentleman was the one who did my nails and it's the most perfect powder Mani. I've had good ones and bad ones. Powder Mani is tricky and can either be very messy or it would crack if not done properly. Will return!!

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    wow wew


    Went a few times. Looked very awesome. The owner was very welcoming when I called for an appointment and very nice when I got there. He made me feel very comfortable and found out that we are both interested in the same game. Looks like I found my new nail salon!

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    Michele Marcondes


    Some of the staff is just sooooo rude!!!

  • Zaiiralynnsantos Santos

    Zaiiralynnsantos Santos


    Super Rude staff!!! They talk you out of everything. You tell them how you want it done, they roll their eyes and do it how they want!!

Salón de belleza más cercano

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