Beautiful Hair Color Salon en Pleasantville

Estados UnidosBeautiful Hair Color Salon



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42, Memorial Plaza, 10570, Pleasantville, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-238-5050
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1342791, Longitude: -73.7935104

comentarios 5

  • en

    Barbara Spatola


    I always feel great when Cindal and Franco are finished.

  • en

    Daniela Attanasio


    I had a wonderful experience at this salon with Cindal. She is so pleasant, sweet, and really knows a lot about hair color. I always struggle to get my hair light because I’ve died it so many times with black color box die ( which is a hair stylists worst nightmare). Cindal was patient and did such a beautiful job with my hair color. She does great ombré. I would recommend her to anyone! I’ll definitely be back!!

  • en

    Sofia Early


  • Gaming Legend

    Gaming Legend


    I had my hair done with Karen. I can say that Karen is the only stylist who has ever been able to get my color right. I am fair skinned with dark brown, reddish hair. Every time I had my color done it was either too dark or too light and any attempt at putting in highlights or lowlights was never right. In the 10 years of coloring my hair, Karen was the only one who got it right the first time! She listens to her clients and gives them what they want that is right for them. I asked her to give me bangs and she cut them to suit my hair type and contour of my face. She's awesome! I now feel like I'm 20 again. Thank you Karen!

  • Justine Duhr

    Justine Duhr


    I can't recommend Beautiful Hair Company highly enough. My bridesmaids and I had our hair done at BHC for my wedding, and the experience was wonderful. My girls got exactly what they wanted and looked beautiful. I worked with Sophia, who was an absolute pleasure. Not only did she do an amazing job on my hair--I got tons of compliments--she went above and beyond in the months leading up to the big day. After my second hair trial, Sophia asked me to come in again free-of-charge so she could make absolutely sure she had mastered the style. She's a real professional and a talented stylist, but most of all she cares and that shows in her work.

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