Magic Touch Nail & Spa en Pleasantville

Estados UnidosMagic Touch Nail & Spa



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9, Wheeler Avenue, 10570, Pleasantville, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-747-0800
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1349864, Longitude: -73.7918607

comentarios 2

  • Kirsten Kazlow-Johnson

    Kirsten Kazlow-Johnson


    Booked groupon for a Brazilian. Made appointment day before wax. First thing I notice is that it looks dirty and run down. Mother who's outside with coffee looking in is texting me to leave immediately. I decide to give the benefit of the doubt. Nobody at desk to check in with. Okay, not the biggest deal. Informed them that I was there for my appointment (a minute early), first they seemed to have trouble finding my appointment. They found it and said nothing to me. I awkwardly sit down to wait. They keep pushing me to get a pedicure/manicure (at full price of course). I decline. 20 minutes later after being ignored the older of the 2 women ask me in broken English if I need to put money in the meter. I informed them that I had put the maximum of 1 hour in but that waiting already for 20 minutes past my appointment felt excessive and I really needed to know how much longer I was supposed to wait. She then snaps at me that she can't control the time. I'm like I made an appointment a day before, maybe you shouldn't start someone's nails right before you have an appointment. They were rude. The place was dirty. I got my money back (and made a complaint to group on). Am glad I didn't risk the wax. Don't need to risk infection or injury from a clearly dirty and very unprofessional salon. Avoid like the plague.

  • Tess Tess

    Tess Tess


Salón de belleza más cercano

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