New Sun Nail en Pleasantville

Estados UnidosNew Sun Nail


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475, Bedford Road, 10570, Pleasantville, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-741-6152
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1332172, Longitude: -73.7929901

comentarios 3

  • Carla Bravo

    Carla Bravo


    Worst nail salon I have ever been I made a appointment for 5:30 and was waiting 25 minutes before I decided to get up and leave 2 people came in after me and where taken right away I don't know if this place is racists or what but seriously the worse

  • en

    Tamilee Webb


    Always extremely pleasant. Very clean. Recently changed all furniture. Amazing experience.

  • Emma Zdanoff

    Emma Zdanoff


    I have been going for years and loved it, however the owners have very bad business sense. Although I have been a faithful customer, I tried to make an appointment for my daughter and myself with two different people at the same time. My daughter has also been going. They refused to make the appointment with two different people at the same time. They said that I had to come at one time and my daughter an hour later. I guess they prefer walk-ins as opposed to appointments. Sad that I have to leave someplace I really liked, but can not condone that type of business sense.

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