T P Glass & Mirror Inc w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneT P Glass & Mirror Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

46, Satterie Avenue, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-568-3928
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6589756, Longitude: -73.6942117

komentarze 5

  • en

    dupe thejob


    Top notch work, glad I chose their work. Keep it up.

  • en

    Sara Delacruz


    A couple months ago someone threw a rock and broke my window (it may have also been my landscaper since they were mowing the lawn) but TP Glass came right out. Took some measurements and fixed it right away at a good price. Will recommend them to others.

  • en

    CL G


    I give it 4 out of 5 stars because the glass is usually reasonably priced and the staff that works there is friendly. It did take me a while to get the glass I ordered. I will go back again if I need anymore glass.

  • en



    Great guys, great prices, and great service! I had a sliding glass door installed for half the price everyone was charging! The guys were friendly and did a great job! In fact, both of my dogs crashed into the new glass (because it was so clean), and it didn't budge! No need to waste your time and money on unfriendly, overpriced jerks when guys like TP Glass are around!

  • en

    Yve L


    Never had the opportunity to see their work but the customer service girl was so horrible that I was afraid to see what kind of work they would supplied... 1-Asked for estimate, she supplied a number with huge uncertainty that affirmed her number would not stand.. 2- asked for measure appointment, she couldn't confirm the time we discussed saying that the guy who will measure (which btw is the owner, Terry) might or might not be there... Anything could happen.. I asked if he wasn't in the mood that day then he can go the next..Then tried to book another day... And she couldn't guarantee that appt either.. Ugh! 3- asked for the measureer to bring sample of mirror and/or beveled glass... She couldn't promise because they don't have such a thing.. A sample... I had to cancel order and run! She said this is a mom n pop store.. Wow! Bad customer service!

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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