S D Automotive w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneS D Automotive



🕗 godziny otwarcia

42, West Merrick Road, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-561-6694
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.664927, Longitude: -73.6994492

komentarze 5

  • en

    Harry f Clarke


    02 Mazda 626 with just under 162K miles needed cat an AC condenser & speed sensor installed with all parts purchased online. The condenser went in & the system charged without incident on June 7 however the bolt holding the speed sensor in the transmission case broke inside case & I was told there was nothing he could do. On the 9th, I had a cat converter installed. Again a bolt broke. (Ever hear of soaking with WD 40?) Further no diagnostics were run to ascertain why the converter failed just the explanation that the car was old. I’ve got an appointment at Aamco Transmission to extract the sensor bolt Monday. My impression is that all things considered, SD is good for run of of mill stuff on “newer” cars but they need a “mechanic.” Outside of not being able to extract a broken bolt, his labor pricing was fair & comparable with other shops!

  • en

    Dom Lorusso


    Was recommended from a friends father. Went there 3 separate times for maintenance... oil change... tires .. regular stuff ... they were very affordable and had good availability. I recommended 2 friends and they both had positive experiences as well. The owner seems like an honest guy and that’s hard to come by now and days. It’s nice to find a little convenient shop that’s not trying to take your last dollar.

  • Cheryl Jones

    Cheryl Jones


    Manager/Owner Dave is the best! Honest & trustworthy diagnosis of my vehicle. Fair pricing for parts & labor!!

  • Simon Ungureanu

    Simon Ungureanu


  • Raffy Corro

    Raffy Corro


najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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