Finish Line Collision w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneFinish Line Collision



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21, Railroad Avenue, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-256-2666
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6629081, Longitude: -73.6892582

komentarze 5

  • en

    allen caves


    Ceasear is the truth....i took my car there twice and it was fixed so good i couldnt reconize it....i would never go anywhere else

  • en

    Tiffany White


    I must admit my experience with Finish Line did not quite make it to the finish line. I gave them two stars because the work that was done was acceptable, but the poor customer service was a disaster and I would never use them again. The nightmare started when I was promised something by one of the owners and when I came to pick up the car it wasn't done. Then the one who made the promise denied he ever promised... His denial cost me extra days for a rental car that I had to pay out of pocket...The moral of this story is "GET IT IN WRITING"...and don't pay until you physically inspect your car..I would not refer this company to any friends, family or strangers, especially since there are so many other collisions places in the area..

  • John Papadopoulos

    John Papadopoulos


    These guys are AMAZING. I have unfortunately had my parked car hit twice in the past few years, both times, A+ job, returned my car spotless & good as new. Once recently, I had a minor issue with damage to the car, they immediately dropped everything and took care of me. Excellent customer service, friendly staff, would recommend to anyone who needs work done on their car.

  • en

    Sandy Michel


    They rushed me my car was ready and when I got there took me and my rental and left me at the alignment shop to pick up my car. I asked to go over the damaged they fixed and they said they would an email... Never got it. They had absolutely no problem having the insurance company send them 12000 to them only when I had a check already in my name and the car company. Under the hood things were not even connected. Body outside looked ok. My horn is not the original horn. What did they do for 12000 I could have bought a new car. SMH. Two thumbs down for this auto collision place oh they kept my and car well over 2 weeks!

  • en

    Jerome Beauguitte


    excellent professional service. They went above and beyond my expectations. Car looks as good as new. they have top notch equipment and the skillset to do as good or even better than the manufacturer. they even got parts made for my car etc... Great follow up. would recommend 5/5

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