D & D Auto Body w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneD & D Auto Body



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53, West Merrick Road, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-823-9742
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.665541, Longitude: -73.6997288

komentarze 5

  • en

    Vincent Ingordino


    Donny and pauley are the best...Great Service...Honest..and Great Workmanship....my car looks better now than before the accident....AAA+

  • en

    Daniel Scarver


    When I dropped my clean car off to D&D for them to do body work it had almost half a tank of gas. When I picked up my car it was filthy inside and out and my tank was drained. It stalled out on the way to the gas station. I would not recommend them to anyone!!!!!

  • en

    albert torres


    Great job, you are not going to be disappointed

  • en

    David B


    I have been bringing my cars to D&D for over 20 years. Donnie and his father always did a great job from engine to body work when I first came here. Now Donnie has been running the shop for a long time and he and Paul the rest of the staff are always helpful and do a good job. The body work he did turned out great. They have helped me with getting car rentals and my car has always come back working and looking better than when I brought it in.

  • en

    Mousumi Shanti


    I took my car to them to fix my bumper but they did very shoddy work. They never installed the bumper support and cushion when they changed the bumper. They neglected to notice and fix the radiator. Second time I took the car in to have the radiator fixed. They replaced the radiator, however, they did not fix the radiator support. My insurance company paid D & D autobody $ 7000 for these repairs. After all this, I had to take my car to a different mechanic to fix these problems and paid out of pocket. D & D autobody failed to make these repairs. I would not recommend this auto body shop. STAY AWAY FROM THIS AUTOBODY SHOP. Save your money and go somewhere else.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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