Dee Jan Automotive Services Inc w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneDee Jan Automotive Services Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

234, North Central Avenue, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-872-0556
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6740262, Longitude: -73.7097062

komentarze 4

  • en

    Phyliss Raiola


    great place

  • Philip Tricolla

    Philip Tricolla


    Quoted me a price for a motor that was to included parts and labor. When I went to pay the balance the price was five hundred dollars more for additional parts that He never told me about and I thought was in the "parts and labor" price, he took a shot at me to see if I would pay. Oil dipstick tube was broken, he told me to go to an auto body shop to have them tack weld it, but he broke it, no offer to pay or fix it. I came back a few days later with a squeaky serpentine belt. Was told it was a belt tensioner, new belt, new tensioner. Driving upstate the belt comes off, I get stuck in the Bronx. Another new belt and that one gets torn up. It turns out he didn't seat the steering pump pulley correctly. He fixes that problem but I'm still out 70 dollars for two new belts that he was the cause of, again no compensation for the money I laid out. Pete is a good guy and a decent mechanic. If your going to have work done by him please get everything in writing up front. I should have done that but I trusted him to be honest on the price. On my car he did make mistakes but overall I'm happy with the work. I understand that changing a motor involves a ton of work. But if you break something or your work causes something to break you need to be responsible for that. I giving him four stars because he deserves it. Just make sure your lines of communication are open with him.

  • Jahshawn Carr

    Jahshawn Carr


    Decades in the business, reasonable and wonderful service.

  • en

    Dana Olson


najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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