Sunrise Volkswagen w Lynbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneSunrise Volkswagen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

931, Sunrise Highway, 11563, Lynbrook, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-596-5970
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6571567, Longitude: -73.6881597

komentarze 5

  • Pamela M. Monroe

    Pamela M. Monroe


    It was a great experience from beginning to end. My salesman Marshall was professional, caring, and knowledgeable. Even the Business Manager was caring and took the time to make sure i was comfortable with my purchase and took the time to explain all aspects of my new vehicle. This was my 2nd purchase from this dealership and I must say they are top notch.

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    Pascale Brutus


    The staff is reallly helpful, courteous, and willing to work with you. The service was impeccable and fast. Greg was the best. He went over everything thoroughly. He showed us every features that the car has. He was patient and very courteous.

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    Joerg Obermueller


    I Would highly recommend this dealership to others. Every visit here is a pleasure maybe lengthy but always a pleasure. Randy by far is an outstanding salesman I totally recommend him, the front desk receptionist Zaqoua was an excellent help in assisting me while also being tied up with helping 2 others with loaners she was a great help and very patient. The staff are always so hands on and very welcoming. 2 thumbs up

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    Evan Pinkney


    Sunrise Volkswagen is the best dealership i have ever stepped foot in. They are very professional and are only looking to make sure you drive off satisfied in the car you want. Thomas is a personal recommendation he went above and beyond to make sure the purchase, and preparation of my vehicle went smoothly. I will recommend this dealership to anyone who asks me.

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    While leasing a car I had a great experience with all the people at Sunrise Volkswagen. Historically I’m a Honda fan, but going to this dealership completely changed my perception of how buying or leasing a car should transpire. Everyone was more than gracious and accommodating. I can’t possibly say enough about my sales representative Marshall who was completely on point throughout the entire process. He was without a doubt the most pleasant, detail-oriented sales rep I ever worked with. He was a true professional executing every step flawlessly. Even my car insurance agent raved to us about how considerate and helpful he was. I highly recommend Sunrise Volkswagen without the slightest amount of hesitation. [JW]

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