Sea Cliff Beach en Sea Cliff

Estados UnidosSea Cliff Beach



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The Boulevard, 11579, Sea Cliff, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-671-0080
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8513132, Longitude: -73.6501812

comentarios 5

  • Javier Castellon

    Javier Castellon


    Very nice views of harbor/bay. Great place to take a walk and even bring your dogs. Small private beach but if you aren't a resident, then you can't go in. But that's only during open hours. Other than that you can walk right in.

  • en

    Syed Mahfuz


    Serene, Charming, and absolutely gorgeous. The people are also friendly.

  • en

    Mar Margolis


    Very nice place to take a walk and enjoy a beautiful scene of nature...

  • Sean Oconnor

    Sean Oconnor


    Nice place to park and look at the water. It started to snow while I was there nice view lots of parking traffic gets a little crazy there be careful the roads are narrow and blind corners people tend to drive a little crazy around here like there is no one around. Go figure people on Long Island have very little courtesy for others other than themselves. Keep that in mind while you're out there enjoy

  • Steve Frank

    Steve Frank


    Always a great place for a view of the water, have a meal or just hang out. Sunsets are great. Anytime of year it's just beautiful. Check the village calender for dates of live music on Friday evenings.

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