Heritage Bakers en Glen Cove

Estados UnidosHeritage Bakers



🕗 horarios

1, Garvies Point Road, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-676-8989
sitio web: www.heritagebakers.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8598528, Longitude: -73.6419039

comentarios 5

  • en

    J.R. Martin


    Great bakery and nice people running the place. Will go back.

  • en

    Sara M


    Great Bakery, with amazing products, and friendly owners. The bacon cheddar scone and the almond croissant are amazing, and the latte’s are perfect. Definitely a place everyone should try out. It has a cute area to sit and eat and just has a really nice vibe to it.

  • Morgan Russell

    Morgan Russell


    We stopped by on a Sunday afternoon to check Heritage out after a recommendation from my mom. It's a cute, clean space manned by a friendly family; Deb was sweet and personable with our chatty 6-year-old. Our picks were orange-cranberry scones, one of the famous popovers, a mini loaf of corn bread, a chocolate chip cookie, and some coffee. Everything was fresh and delicious. Some items were even still warm from the oven. We will definitely be back to try more, and will recommend to friends.

  • en

    Ted S


    excellent place worth your time. their strawberry popover is incredible but they also make food if you're not looking for dessert. if you need Bread theirs is probably fresher and tastier than what you'd find elsewhere

  • Ari Shalam

    Ari Shalam


    Best bakery in the Metro area. Awesome popovers and other treats!!

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