Long Island Bagel Cafe en Glen Cove

Estados UnidosLong Island Bagel Cafe



🕗 horarios

89, Forest Avenue, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-671-3354
sitio web: www.libagelcafe.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8735373, Longitude: -73.6227528

comentarios 5

  • Gloria Strong

    Gloria Strong


    Nice casual place for lunch. Many choices. Reasonably priced.

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    Adam Roberts


    Go to spot for anything breakfast and lunch. Great bagels and egg sandwiches. Lunch I recommend the veggie tuna on a bagel 👌🏻❤️❤️

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    Wayne Cisco


    I get breakfast here during the week. . Very good food. . Always a wait on line! It's worth it. .lol

  • Really wan Na kwo

    Really wan Na kwo


    The quality of the food is good but not the service. I️ don’t want to pull the race card but I️ get funny looks every time I️ step into this place. I️ frequent this particular location because it’s like the only bagel place near my office. I️ come for breakfast and lunch because the tuna is great but I️ was accused of trying to use a “bogus” coupon. The coupon came directly from the LIBC website. All in all whether at home or work I️ will take my bogus business elsewhere.

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    Christopher Merola


    Good restaurant all around, panini's were a good size and filled you right up. Would recommend to any friend.

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